Preserve your Memories for Lifetimes.
Tell the Story of your Dress with a Legacy Charm.

Enhance the Moment
Make it forever

The Legacy Charm is a beautiful addition to your gift that tells the story of your wedding dress through video, voice, and images. Just point your iPhone at the charm and let the magic start.

See Cathy's Story
Uniquely Beautiful
A one of a kind keepsake

Add one of our special legacy charms to an heirloom made from your dress and when scanned, it will reveal a special message. It makes the perfect gift even more special - so expect happy tears! The process is easy to set up your special video greeting. 

How it works
Kim's Story
The meaning of a dress

A dress tells the story of a whole life, the years before and decades since you put it on.

Click below to see the story Kim created for her daughter Noelle.

See Kim's story
Tell your story
Share the Story of your Dress

Pull together all your old photos and videos about the wedding dress and about your loved one.

Collect photos and videos about the dress

Pull together all your old photos and videos about the wedding dress and about your loved one.

Record your special message

Record a special video for your daughter. The provided step-by-step guide will help you, and we're always a phone call away if you're having trouble.

Add your photos and videos to the OWiC Connect app

The app will prompt you on how to easily upload any photos or videos from your phone.

Let the app create your montage

Choose what photos you want in your montage, and how you want them to show up! Preview your creation as many times as you need to get it just right.

That's it!

You're all set! Now your loved ones can unlock your montage and message just by scanning the charm with their phone.

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