The Mother's Day Gift She'll Never Forget

If your News Feed is anything like mine, lately it’s been flooded with Mother’s Day Gift ideas - from flowers and perfumes, to purses and monogrammed necklaces. But even the most thoughtful or perfectly curated gift can often feel insufficient when it comes to expressing the love we feel toward our Moms.

Nothing In the World Like A Mom

She knows you better than anyone. She’s loved you from the very start. Chances are, she’s seen you at your very best and very worst. And if you’re especially lucky, she’s been able to pass on that same steadfast love to your children as she’s taken on the role of “Grandma”. How in the world could a card or gift express everything she means to you?

This Mother’s Day – we encourage you all focus on what makes the holiday so meaningful to Moms around the country. Time spent together.

I grew up in a family of four, and to this day my Mom always seems happiest when “all her chicks are in the nest” spending time together.

Mother’s Day really isn’t about the gifts or the flowers – and that brunch always seems so sweet because it represents a pause in the busyness of life. We honor what we love with our time spent – and Mom’s day is the chance to do just that.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

This Mother’s Day – while you’re spending time with your Momma (or perhaps hanging out on a video call if you can’t be together) we invite you to take a walk down memory lane with Mom … and ask her about her wedding day and wedding dress!

When I was getting to know my fiance's family, I asked his grandmother about her wedding day. And I was not surprised at all to find that even in her 70s many small details of the day were crystal clear to her.  She enjoyed sharing everything from the color of her bridesmaid’s dresses to the type of flowers she carried.

Ask your Mom (or Grandma):

  • What do you remember from your wedding day?
  • Who was in your bridal party?
  • Do you remember how you felt before you walked down the aisle? Were you nervous?
  • What did you do to celebrate?
  • What was your favorite part of the day?
  • Was your wedding covered in the local paper?
  • Do you remember shopping for your wedding dress?
  • How many did you try on and who went shopping with you?

Even if you’ve heard the story before, asking about the day in detail or flipping through an old wedding album often uncovers new darling details have gone previously untold.

Today as life moves as quickly as we can text – sometimes what means the most is sitting over a cup of tea and really listening to the memories of the past!

A real Unbox Mother-Daughter sharing a moment!

Unbox Her Dress (Together!)

Famous "Big Box" in the closet! What you may discover from this conversation is that after all this time, your Mom may still be storing her wedding dress! If so, as a Mother’s Day gift, offer to Unbox the Dress with her and discuss how to turn it into heirloom she can enjoy or pass on to the younger ladies in the family.

A recent client, Mary Ellen, found her mother’s dress and collaborated with our team to make a collection of beautiful heirlooms to share across all the branches of her Mom’s ever-growing family tree.

From Mom’s satin we created a traditional christening gown, bonnet and booties, as well as hankie and pocket squares, Angel Ornaments, and a lovely ruffled table round.  

Discussing all the design options with your Mom and what she may enjoy having made will make her feel excited and appreciated! And the end designs will be truly one-of-a-kind, honoring her marriage and journey through motherhood.

Happy Unboxing!